Wednesday, February 22, 2012


A power list to help you use less energy
Tune out the tube
Switch of your television sets, reduce your satellite consumption and think about how your ancestors entertained themselves before the couch potato revolution.
Turn off when you turn in
Always switch off the lights when you leave the room. Your carbon consumption will go down by 100 kg!
Put your charger on a power diet
All of you who are gluttons for gizmos and gadgets, chargers eat a great amount of electricity. Always unplug when they are not being used. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
It’s cool to be hot
Keep the air conditioner at an optimum 24˚C, and if you feel the heat, just open the windows. In with the good, out with the bad!
Save 900 kg of CO2 and around Rs.3, 900 per year.
Fluorescents in fashion
Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) use one-third of the energy of regular bulbs and dazzle with equal brilliance, and last 10 times longer.
Water down the supply
Have a shorter showers and don’t let the water run when being. Whatever anybody says, longer showers do not a cleaner person make!
Hot showers account for two-thirds of all water heating cost.
Loaded with laundry
When using a washing machine make sure that it’s fully loaded so that it is put to optimum use. Now you can hoard dirty laundry for weeks together without any guilt.
You will save energy – yours as well as the machine’s.
Save 45 kg of CO2, and approximately Rs. 1,500 per year.
Go for solar
Install a solar water heater instead of an electric geyser. A 10 liter solar water heater can save around 1,500 units of electricity every year.
Less is definitely more
Buy appliances that use less energy. Opt for a hand-held eggbeater over an electric one. It will help you reduce your carb (on) consumption.
Power off for a cooler world


If every family changed three bulbs in to CFLs, it will be equal to taking of 3.5 million cars off the road.

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